Note: 80% in stock. Everything matches. A complete line for corporate or business use. This Bone China Line is made of 20% animal bone.
Our dishware Bone China Line is wholesale sold by the piece.
But orders must be $1000 total or more for these prices. Unlike our Standard Royal White Line which must be sold by the case but has more variety and is less of a cost. The Bone China Line is very light yet durable because its not just porcelain but mized with 20 animal bone making it lighter than any porcelain but very durable as well. Everything sold by the piece and there is no need to order cases but you must have $1000 if your order is $500 to $1000 then these prices are doubled.
Our Bone China dishware is 20% animal bone making the plates transclucent so light shines through them. Also these are not the knock off synthetic bone china but the natural and original Bone China.

Our Bone China Line of Dishware. Is not a very large line of many pieces not like our other lines and of course is more expensive being Bone China. Also, you can ask us about printing, we are only one of a few printers of porcelain anywhere check out

Our Bone China Close up of our Tea Cup

As mentioned we usually have most of our wholesale Bone China dishware in stock. Orders can generally be put together for both our Standard Royal White porcelain and our Hotel Line porcelain as well as our Bone China within 24/48 hours usually.
This Bone China Line is sold by the piece meaning its priced by the piece but you don't have to buy full cases just order as many pieces as you want.
Prices are based on $1000 (combined) or more. If its $500 to $999 then the price is doubled.